Harvest Foundation     Grant Guidelines

Grant Guidelines
  General Guidelines
  Social Services Grants
  Education Grants
  Application Process

Grant History

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The Harvest Foundation was created in 2000 as a private, family foundation to provide funding primarily in the areas of Social Services and Education. The Harvest Foundation awards grants to 501(c)(3) organizations located in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana.

The Foundation awards annual grants in the amount of $50,000 each. Multi-year grants for up to three years will be considered. Grants will not be made to the same organization for more than three consecutive years.

Grants must not constitute more than 20% of the supported program’s annual budget. The Foundation will consider applications for general operating grants only for organizations whose mission and operations are closely aligned with the Harvest Foundation’s funding areas.

Social Services
The Foundation seeks to support the work of community social service agencies. It is specifically interested in organizations that provide services in two areas:

  • Promoting economic self-sufficiency through education and training of youth or families with children.
  • Serving the elderly by providing services to help senior citizens live independently.

Arts Education Grants
The Foundation’s goal for grants in arts education is to assist arts organizations in providing hands-on arts classes in schools. The desired outcome of these classes must include an alignment with state arts education requirements. Applications from organizations serving low-income or underserved children will be favored. Funding of both capital items and operating program costs will be considered. Arts Education grants will only be made in our spring grant cycles.

The Harvest Foundation no longer funds teacher training in technology and curriculum development.

Application Process
In our Fall 2024 grant cycle, the Harvest Foundation will make grants only in the area of Social Services. Unsolicited applications are not accepted. A single-page letter of inquiry including a brief description of the funding need and the total amount of the program’s annual budget must be submitted between August 1 and September 10. We will accept letters of inquiry only from agencies who have received grants from the Harvest Foundation in the past. Click here to see a list of past grant recipients. The Foundation will send a grant application on September 20 if it determines that the request is within its grant guidelines. Completed applications will be due on October 31. Grant decisions will be announced on November 30.

Letters of inquiry must be emailed or postmarked no later than September 10. Completed applications must be emailed or postmarked by October 31. Our preferred method of communicatoin is email. Organizations may re-apply for grants annually, limited to three consecutive years of funding.

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